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WCMA draws good crowd for its annual luncheon meeting on Dec. 1 in Hartford

Wire & Cable Manufacturer’s Alliance, Inc. (WCMA) saw 120 members and guests take part in its annual luncheon meeting on Dec. 1, 2022, at the Downtown Hartford Marriott.

A press release said that the event included a timely economic presentation, announcements about new leadership and programs, and a report about record donations to charity and scholarship programs. John S. Traynor, executive vice president of Cambridge Trust, returned to present key economic, political, and manufacturing topics with a focus on the current labor situation.

The approved 2023 officers include President David Fisher, James Monroe Wire & Cable; Vice President Chris Venice, Marmon Electrical; and Secretary Treasurer Tom Artinian, Hitachi Cable (Proterial). Sue Welsh, retired, is the past president. Added as a new board member was John Dognazzi, Managing Director North America, Sikora.

Charles Glew, president of Cable Components Group, was named the first chairman of the WCMA Young Professionals group, which also held a networking session. He will lead initiatives to facilitate mentoring and provide educational opportunities to cable industry professionals 40 and under. The group’s steering committee also includes Trish Weisberg, Service Wire; Grant Campbell, Multi/Cable; and Paul Gemelli, Gem Gravure.

Based on the generosity shown at the organization’s Award’s Dinner, Golf Outing and Annual Meeting events in 2022, WCMA will provide donations totaling $20,700. Those include $9,200 to Toys for Tots, $5,000 for UCONN Cancer Research, $3,000 for WCMA’s scholarship program, and the balance for other causes, from Breast Cancer research and the American Red Cross, to UNICEF, an Army Veterans organization and a hospice.

Welsh and Executive Director Ed Fenton introduced Amber Schilberg, who will support the organization’s marketing and administrative duties. Fenton reported that WCMA gained six new members bringing its paid membership count to 115 paid.

The WCMA also announced the recipients of its 2023 Distinguished Career Award. They will be honored on April 22, 2023, at the 37th annual Awards Dinner, which will also be held at the Downtown Hartford Marriott Hotel.

The recipients are: William “WT” Bigbee, vice president operations, Encore Wire; Rich Carr, CEO, Sequel Wire & Cable; Denise Coyle, sales manager, Fluoropolymer Resources, Ltd.; Scott Harden, president, Provideon Wire & Cable; Drew Richards, CEO, RichardsApex; John Rivers, regional sales manager, Fluorgistx; Greg Smith, president/CEO, International Wire Group; and Ronald Tessier, senior director operations, Berk-Tek Leviton.

For more information and to register for the awards event, contact Ed Fenton at tel. 860-331-7074,,

Read 1426 times Last modified on January 10, 2023
Mark Marselli

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