Derek Ham
WAI Member since 2015
"WAI is a great way for me to get to know this industry... They
allow for great insight into what is new and fresh in the industry and how other operations react to various industrial, governmental and business situations. I look forward to a long and exciting membership with WAI!" - Derek Ham
Q: What does your company do? A: SDI La Farga refines various types of reclaimed copper to produce Cu-FRHC (fire-refined, high-conductivity) products that meet or exceed ASTM B-49 standards.
Q: What is your role there? A: I am the senior process engineer, a composite of many other roles, from metallurgist to operations engineer. I oversee furnace operations and copper quality from when reclaimed copper is received until it goes to the caster.
Q: What do you like best about your position? A: The wide range of responsibilities and the interaction with the operations group. I get to work on projects that are mechanical in nature but often times have very significant processing impacts. There are many challenges, from the mundane to ground-breaking production/ quality control discoveries which ultimately effect SDI La Farga’s success. In my role, I get to work with top notch administrative, engineering and operations groups.
Q: How does your company remain competitive? A: With the variability in the copper markets, efficiency and minimizing operating and raw material costs are key to staying competitive. SDI La Farga makes a continuous effort to be innovative in its operations, looking for new ideas and concepts to increase efficiency and minimize costs. The combination of the Steel Dynamics operating mentality and the innovation of the La Farga Group has made this operation a truly unique facility. The group has made continuous advances in its sales base and has been able to match this with increased safe production.